With majority of traders out there encouraging long term trading, its surprise to see an article that encourage short term trading. It’s even more surprising to see that scalping is mentioned in the article. Usually “short term” and “scalping” are big NO area for majority of traders out there. This is interesting so I going to share the article.
In summary, the article said that traders like us are tip of the iceberg in the marketplace, “counter trend thinking” is important. The professional in the article mention is better to trade at time stock market is close for less movement (range trading? This is also contra to popular believe). And the professional in the article suggest short term trading, and even scalping. He mentions short term trading need a lot of time for monitoring. He suggested “Speed Strategy”, in short “fast in, fast out”. He mentions that shorter term might yield higher return in long term. He thinks that there is no 100% accurate system in forex, and no strategy can be used forever, we need to adjust according to market in different time. “If there is doubt, it is better not to enter”.
(News from SinChew “Financial weekly”, 16th August 2010)